Field Team 6

You can help register Democrats...

...share these posts and save the world!

Coach Walz made us proud at the debate & showed America what a real leader looks like. Now it's time for us to pick up the baton. Donate to help @FieldTeam_6 register millions more Democrats before the upcoming deadlines! #Voterizer #HarrisWalz2024
Donate today!

Good help is hard to find these days...but Blue Voter Guide has exactly what you need to make fast, smart, blue ballot choices! Enter your address, see endorsements for candidates and propositions, and share your choices! #BlueVoterGuide #Voterizer
Helping you vote fast, smart, and blue

Who can you trust, when you know Vlad's minions are pumping propaganda into the election again? Blue Voter Guide shows endorsements from trusted, forward-looking organizations so you can make thoughtful ballot choices. #BlueVoterGuide #Voterizer
Helping you vote fast, smart, and blue

Sometimes MAGA types are hiding out in so-called "non-partisan" elected positions. Remove those stubborn orange stains for good by verifying every candidate on your ballot via Blue Voter Guide–and sharing your choices! #BlueVoterGuide #Voterizer
Helping you vote fast, smart, and blue

Let's float this boat with a BLOWOUT vote! Share Blue Voter Guide(dot)org NOW with all your peeps nationwide to help them vote fast, smart, and down the whole ballot. The endorsements work like Yelp, but for voting blue! #BlueVoterGuide #Voterizer
Helping you vote fast, smart, and blue

Time to show JD Vance exactly WHO holds the power. Go to Blue Voter Guide, enter your address, and see the endorsements to make quick, pro-democracy choices. Then save your picks and share with every cat lady you know! #BlueVoterGuide #Voterizer
Helping you vote fast, smart, and blue

Why register & vote for Democrats? The Biden/Harris administration pushed for $500 million investment in Tribal governments: small business capital used for collateral, loans, credit guarantees, tech assistance & networking opportunities. #Voterizer
Register (or check your registration) here!

Yes, other people can know your registered political party & if you voted. BUT WHO YOU VOTE FOR IS PRIVATE. Pass it on! Don't sit this one out. Make sure you're registered to vote at Voterizer dot org. Then Vote EARLY! #Voterizer
Click to make sure you're registered to vote!

Listen to @PaulaPoundstone! 🎧 She tells us what to notice in this Presidential election. 👀 She's right, it is so important. Volunteer/donate to help @FieldTeam_6 #RegisterDemocrats so we can elect more Democrats in November! #Voterizer
Volunteer 7 donate here!

Take a minute to check YOUR registration status! 👀 🗳 ☑ Get un-purged at Voterizer — your one-stop shop for re-registering and checking your status! #Voterizer #RegisterDemocrats #RegisterAndVoteForDems
Check your registration or register here!

Listen to @PaulaPoundstone! 🎧 97% of actively publishing Climate Scientists say Climate Change is real. Trump said "It's just weather". Help @FieldTeam_6 #RegisterDemocrats so we can elect Harris/Walz, they will take advice from scientists. #Voterizer
Volunteer/donate here!

We're @FieldTeam_6 & we #RegisterDemocrats in swing states. Help push out our ready-made positive messages on social media from your computer or phone.💻📱 It works, it's energizing, it saves democracy! As Michelle Obama said: DO Something! #Voterizer
Share our Social Media ready-made posts